8 mistakes Landlords Make
· 1. Make sure your insurance covers sewer breaks and have high liability limits and if you have a condo add ‘loss assessments’ coverage.
· 2. Write in your lease to do semi-annual inspections. As landlords we need to know that the property is being maintained.
· 3. Can put into lease that the tenant will have the carpet cleaned once a year.
· 4. Can put into lease that if not cleaned to standards that you have the right to provide a cleaning service and charge as additional rent.
· 5. Use a minimum of 620 for their credit scores.
· 6. If below, and you still want to rent to this person, then consider a double deposit.
· 7. Should get paycheck stubs and match with bank statements
· 8. Do a social media check like Facebook. Google the prospective tenants name…see what pops up. You’d be amazed!
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