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auto insurance

December 6, 2016

Do You Need Winter Tires?

                                 Winter Tire Tips You know it’s coming. Snow and slush. Freezing rain. Maybe even black ice.   But do you know if your tires are ready for all of that?   When driving in Denver, Golden or anywhere in Colorado in the wintertime, your tires just might be the most important safety feature on […]
October 25, 2016

Tips for Avoiding Common Distractions that Lead to Car Crashes

   Focus on Driving: Tips for Avoiding Common Distractions that Lead to Car Crashes “Distracted driving” is defined by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) as any activity that diverts a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. It’s an increasingly serious and costly safety issue for businesses and individuals. And it contributes […]
September 17, 2016

Why are my auto insurance rates increasing? I haven’t had an accident.

Auto insurance rates in Colorado have been fairly stable over the past several years…why are they starting to increase?  I talk to clients all day and there seems to be a perception that the amount they pay is directly related to whether or not they’ve had an ‘at fault’ accident.  While your driving record is definitely one factor, your […]
September 1, 2016

Have a new driver in the house? Here are tips to keep them safe

Clear Communication, Expectations Are Key   As a parent, the thought of your teen behind the wheel can be scary enough. The statistics about teen driving: even scarier. In 2013, 2,163 teens ages 16 to 19 died in motor vehicle accidents, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s nearly six teenagers […]
May 30, 2016

Real-World Story: A Toast Too Many

  Aunt Katherine couldn’t wait to celebrate Olivia’s graduation from college. Having her favorite niece out of state for four years was difficult for her since they were so close. After dinner with family and friends — and a few toasts — her jet lag got the best of her and it was time to go. […]
April 14, 2016

You can help Prevent an Auto Accident

What Can You Do to Prevent Distracted Driving? Some of these distractions can be difficult to avoid. After all, it’s not like someone is going to go on a four-hour road trip and not talk to their passengers because they could be a distraction. Instead, in situations such as this, it’s helpful to find ways […]
April 4, 2016

Do You Have the Pot Hole Blues

It’s the time of year when drivers in  cold winter weather states navigate an obstacle course while getting around town.  It’s smart to avoid pot holes if at all possible, but sometimes you just don’t see them until it’s too late … and you’ve damaged your car.  If your lucky, you only knock the wheels out of alignment, but […]
December 29, 2015

Auto Insurance 101: Review Your Auto Coverage in 2016

As we head into a new year, Denver West Insurance Brokers would like to remind readers that the right auto insurance policy can help get you back on the road quickly if your car is damaged or destroyed by accident, fire, theft, or other covered event. Your policy may also provide protection against medical and legal expenses […]
December 1, 2015

How to Respond to Unexpected Road Hazards to Avoid an Accident

Almost everyone in Colorado drives a car at some point during the day. That’s a lot of time spent on the road. Most of us consider ourselves to be a safe, conscientious driver but even the best drivers can experience road hazards that appear out of nowhere requiring a quick response to avoid an accident.  […]
November 18, 2015

Pedestrian Deaths Mostly Caused by Distracted Driver & Pedestrian

According to the Colorado Dept of Transportation in 2019,  seventy-six pedestrians lost their lives. The use of cell phones is  a major cause of distraction because it takes our eyes off the road and  and causes our mind to wonder away from what is going on around us as we drive.  Studies have shown that this […]