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home insurance

September 15, 2015

How to Provide Liability Coverage for a College Student

So your baby is off to college!  Are you happy or sad?  You will probably experience both feelings as this is  definitely a transitional time for the whole family. Parents are trying to adjust to a quieter home environment and the student is feeling a sense of freedom never experienced before.  College campus’ provide a wonderful world […]
July 28, 2015

IRS Tax Relief for Disaster Expenses Not Covered by Insurance

 Recovering from a disaster is not easy.  But with the help of insurance and the IRS, expenses you incur from property damage and possible ensuing theft, may be reimbursable. IRS Provides Tax Relief for Expenses Caused by a Disaster and Not Covered by Insurance Specifically, IRS Publication 547 addresses casualty, disaster and theft losses (including […]
June 9, 2015

Hosting a Wedding? What if someone gets hurt?

June is the #1 month for weddings to place across the U.S.  Lots of guests will be drinking spirits while celebrating.  If you are the host of the wedding, can you be held liable if someone drinks too much and gets hurts while at the wedding ….or worse driving home?  What if someone slips on […]
May 20, 2015

Buying a new home? Here’s a Tip That Can Save you Money

Inspect the Roof of Your New Home   When buying a new home, make sure to have  the home inspected by a Certified Home Inspector….. and pay close attention to the following information regarding the roof:   Age of the Roof (and remaining estimated life span) Current Condition of the Roof Material Type and Manufacturer […]