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homeowners insurance

November 5, 2015

Frying Your Thanksgiving Turkey – Can Cause Injury & House Fires

  In recent years there have been many new spins on how to cook the Thanksgiving turkey.  Among the most popular is the deep frying method – many home chefs agree there’s simply no comparison to an oven-roasted bird.  Turkey fresh from the fryer is moist, with crispy skin and a beautiful color.  The big […]
October 29, 2015

Parental Liability: You Can be Held Liable Vicariously

  As Halloween approaches, here’s a “real life” story and cautionary tale for those of us with mischievous kiddos…   A 14-year-old boy stumbled upon some leftover Fourth of July fireworks in his parents’ garage. He was very excited to share his discovery with his friends. A few nights before Halloween, while their parents were […]
October 22, 2015

Checklist For Inspecting your Home for Damage After a Storm

The first wave of wintry weather rolled across the Rockies and into the Denver area this week. Following the lovely summer and autumn months, our first inclination is to hunker down inside, relying on our home to shield us from the dampness and lower temperatures.  In the early summer, hail storms frequent the front range […]
October 14, 2015

Tips for Winterizing Your Home And Auto to Prevent Insurance Claims

We’re now approaching the tail end of the autumn, with the leaves tumbling and the temperatures dropping. Eventually extreme cold will set in around Colorado which can create dangerous circumstances at home and on the road if not prepared. Below are few tips to prepare for the cold, wintery weather  ahead. Preparing Your Home Here […]
July 28, 2015

IRS Tax Relief for Disaster Expenses Not Covered by Insurance

 Recovering from a disaster is not easy.  But with the help of insurance and the IRS, expenses you incur from property damage and possible ensuing theft, may be reimbursable. IRS Provides Tax Relief for Expenses Caused by a Disaster and Not Covered by Insurance Specifically, IRS Publication 547 addresses casualty, disaster and theft losses (including […]
June 9, 2015

Hosting a Wedding? What if someone gets hurt?

June is the #1 month for weddings to place across the U.S.  Lots of guests will be drinking spirits while celebrating.  If you are the host of the wedding, can you be held liable if someone drinks too much and gets hurts while at the wedding ….or worse driving home?  What if someone slips on […]