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investment property insurance

October 14, 2022

What is Causing the Recent Increase in CO Home Insurance Rates?

Colorado Residents are seeing a rapid increase in their home insurance rates.  In our agency we are regularly seeing 30% -50% increases in one year. It’s a painful experience, but it also helps to know ‘why’. Below are some causes of the home insurance rate increases. Ever Increasing Weather-Related Events in Severity and Frequency As you […]
December 20, 2016

Questions You Should Ask Before Signing a Lease

  Moving into a new rental property is such an exciting process! Sure, it’s also super time-consuming and can be pretty demanding, but finally settling in can bring so much joy. I recently made the move from my college house into a full-on adult apartment and I was giddy with anticipation! Anything that came my way […]
October 27, 2016

What is a Landlord’s Risks & Responsibilities

Do you own a rental home?  You need to know the risks! Landlords of rental homes face much higher risks of a liability loss and/or property loss than the average homeowner.  Before purchasing a rental home it’s important to research the tenant’s legal rights and your  own legal obligations and rights as the landlord.  Both […]
May 12, 2016

8 mistakes Landlords Make

        ·        1. Make sure your insurance covers sewer breaks  and have high liability limits and if you have a condo add ‘loss assessments’ coverage. ·         2. Write in your lease to do semi-annual inspections.  As landlords we need to know that the property is being maintained. ·         3. Can put into lease that the tenant will have the […]
March 14, 2016

Do you own a rental home? You need to know the risks!

Landlords of rental homes face much higher risks of a liability loss and/or property loss than the average homeowner.  Before purchasing a rental home it’s important to research the tenant’s legal rights and your  own legal obligations and rights as the landlord.  Both the tenant and the landlord need to protect themselves by obtaining the […]
October 22, 2015

Checklist For Inspecting your Home for Damage After a Storm

The first wave of wintry weather rolled across the Rockies and into the Denver area this week. Following the lovely summer and autumn months, our first inclination is to hunker down inside, relying on our home to shield us from the dampness and lower temperatures.  In the early summer, hail storms frequent the front range […]
July 28, 2015

IRS Tax Relief for Disaster Expenses Not Covered by Insurance

 Recovering from a disaster is not easy.  But with the help of insurance and the IRS, expenses you incur from property damage and possible ensuing theft, may be reimbursable. IRS Provides Tax Relief for Expenses Caused by a Disaster and Not Covered by Insurance Specifically, IRS Publication 547 addresses casualty, disaster and theft losses (including […]