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Property and Casualty Insurance

April 23, 2019

How to Avoid Filing a Small Business or Commercial Insurance Claim

  What are the Causes of most Small Business Insurance Claims? The survival of every small business depends on keeping expenses down.  Filing an insurance claim can be very costly for a small business; future higher insurance expenses, owner time spent dealing with the claim and reputational harm are just a few of the expenses […]
January 11, 2019

How Can a Small Business Increase Profitability in 2019?

The owner of a small business is a person who works long hours, wears many hats and fights lots of fires.  Its the nature of starting a small business.  Sometimes strategic planning and goal setting is overlooked. But the very survival of that small business, means precious time and energy should be spent on strategizing […]
July 28, 2015

IRS Tax Relief for Disaster Expenses Not Covered by Insurance

 Recovering from a disaster is not easy.  But with the help of insurance and the IRS, expenses you incur from property damage and possible ensuing theft, may be reimbursable. IRS Provides Tax Relief for Expenses Caused by a Disaster and Not Covered by Insurance Specifically, IRS Publication 547 addresses casualty, disaster and theft losses (including […]