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renters insurance

July 15, 2020

Why You Should Create a Home Inventory and How to Do It.

Every item in your home was once purchased.  If you added up the cost of everything including all clothing, furniture, kitchenware, appliances, patio furniture, sporting goods, electronics etc., you would amazed at how much money you have spent over the years on these items. But what if you loose these items all at once?  How could […]
August 20, 2018

How to Insure a College Student

In Colorado every August and September college students leave home to live in dormitories and apartments surrounding their college campus.  Many parents don’t realize this may cause a change in their ‘residency’ status in the eyes of their insurance carrier.  To make sure their student is insured properly, they need to contact their agent and […]
January 25, 2018

What if President Trump’s red ties were lost on his way to Davos Switzerland?

President Trump is arriving in Davos, Switzerland today to attend the World Economic Forum. But what would happen if the Secret Service lost his luggage carrying his Brioni Suits and red ties?  If President Trump has a renters or home insurance policy, it would be covered by insurance as both policies replace personal belonging lost […]
February 3, 2017

Much of your home’s value is what’s inside

There’s a popular saying that goes like this: “Home is where the heart is.”   That saying rings true for many who find “home” a safe haven and a place to cherish, convene with family and friends, raise children, cook meals, rest, retire and celebrate.   Most will agree a home is not just a […]
January 19, 2017

Insurance Tips for Millenials

You keep your car filled up with gas so you don’t get stranded on the side of the road. And, your phone charged so your loved ones can reach you. But, what kind of safety measures do you have in place for more extreme scenarios? What if you lost everything you owned in a fire […]
December 20, 2016

Questions You Should Ask Before Signing a Lease

  Moving into a new rental property is such an exciting process! Sure, it’s also super time-consuming and can be pretty demanding, but finally settling in can bring so much joy. I recently made the move from my college house into a full-on adult apartment and I was giddy with anticipation! Anything that came my way […]
September 20, 2016

Your Identity Belongs to You.

A 2009 survey shows that identity theft is on the rise – and it’s more likely to start with a stolen wallet than an online phishing expedition.   Researchers at Javelin Strategy & Research reported that the number of identity theft cases increased 22 percent to 9.9 million in 2008.   Crimes of opportunity, such […]
April 23, 2016

Thinking of Renting a Storage Locker?

Need additional storage for your belongings? Read below to find how to protect your items in a storage rental. ·        Choose a secure facility – Look for features such as: Gated facilities, 24/7 security cameras or guards, keypad access or locks with short    arms, which are more resistant to bolt cutters, back-up alarms in case […]
October 29, 2015

Parental Liability: You Can be Held Liable Vicariously

  As Halloween approaches, here’s a “real life” story and cautionary tale for those of us with mischievous kiddos…   A 14-year-old boy stumbled upon some leftover Fourth of July fireworks in his parents’ garage. He was very excited to share his discovery with his friends. A few nights before Halloween, while their parents were […]
September 15, 2015

How to Provide Liability Coverage for a College Student

So your baby is off to college!  Are you happy or sad?  You will probably experience both feelings as this is  definitely a transitional time for the whole family. Parents are trying to adjust to a quieter home environment and the student is feeling a sense of freedom never experienced before.  College campus’ provide a wonderful world […]